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Frequently Asked Questions

Please find answers to the following frequently asked questions. As owners and residents continue to ask future questions, this section of the website will be updated so that the most up to date information is available.

  • Owner: Who do I pay my levies to?
    BCS is the current OC manager within Aurora and further information can be found about them on this site. Levies issued by BCS should be paid in full. IMPORTANT: While levies are paid via notices that are sent from an OC manager (in this case BCS). Levies are never paid to the manager, they are paid into bank accounts owned by the Owners Corporation. The manager simply is a signatory on the accounts.
  • Owner: Who is the current Committee?
    The current members of the committee for the various OCs can be found on this website at:
  • Owner: What is happening with the OC Manager position?
    As owners are aware, the current committee undertook a public tender process to given all possible OC Managers an opportunity to participate. Initially Strata Community Association sent out an Expression of Interest to their member base to be submitted to our OC. We received 17 EOI's for consideration and the committee narrowed these down to 10. The committee then provided its tender document to these for submission. This process progressively reduces the number of possible candidates by way of their tender submissions, interviews and other criteria which will assist the committee in determining an eventual new OC Manager for the building. Once this process has been finalised a report and summary of the process will be available for owners to read.
  • Owner (Subcommittees): As an owner how can I get more involved?
    Currently there are 4 different subcommittees, which provide recommendations to the full committee for their consideration: Grievance Finance Legal Building services and operations If you would like to apply to join these, and participate within these, please email your interest to:
  • Resident: Do I use WeWumbo or MyBos?
    MyBos was turned of before the new Committee took over and so the building has reverted back to using WeWumbo. If you had a previous account with WeWumbo then this will still be active. All residents are asked to sign up there for better parcel delivery information, booking common areas and general updates.
  • Resident: How do I order a new FOB?
    Please email the following form to either: The FFMi ops manager: or The BM (Bruce):
  • Resident: Is there a ban on nitrous-oxide (laughing gas) canisters being delivered?
    Yes. Nitrous-oxide (laughing gas) canisters are dangerous items generally, in addition to the dumping issue that has been occurring within that building as a result. Residents should report any concern of dumping of rubbish/canisters in common areas (such as the car park) too concierge immediately. Continued CCTV monitoring and increased security patrols are being implemented also. Residents/owners caught dumping such rubbish will be breached by the OC manager, with the cost of removal passed onto them.
  • Agent: I am an agent, how can I find out more information to help my tenants?
    The new Committee for the building is going to start information nights for agents to better assist you to help your tenants, as well as investor owners. This will include listening to concerns or issues, as well as providing updates. Please provide your details to make sure your are on this list so that you receive these notifications:
  • General: If I have a complaint what do I do?
    Currently there are various ways to make an issue known or to escalate a complaint. The following pathways are available to owners and residents alike: You can speak with the individual or speak with the concierge generally. An incident report can be filled with the concierge. You can email and in the subject line include grievance committee. The OC Manager can be contacted. Consumer Affairs can also be contacted.

© 2023 by Matthew Harris.

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